Texts from inside a Costco Pandemic

At 10:05 am, after opening at 10, Costco is already insanely busy, busier than I have ever seen it. The line to get into the parking lot is backed up out onto feeder roads in both directions, and every spot is taken. The WHO declared a pandemic, followed by the U.S....

Ten Greatest Chess Players of All Time

The way I look at it, World Champions that all later players copied can be said to have discovered (“discovery”) more of the truth about chess than anyone else. The most dominant Champions of their time who meet this criteria, in order of...

How Can the Valsalva Maneuver End Even EXTREME Pain?

Pain from a wisdom tooth (left upper) had been getting worse every day. On the tenth day, I took no painkillers that morning and began documenting the pain. A typical 5-minute episode that morning, using no painkillers: Though I almost never get headaches myself, I...

Can You Help Me Help My Wife With Her Website?

My wife needs my help, but I don’t think I can do this for her by myself. Although through our @TweetSmarter account I’ve helped thousands of people over the last 5 years on Twitter, now I need some help myself. And I’d like to have my work for her...

Life Needs More LOL, Less LQTM

I’m watching the TV show Lost for the first time, thanks to Netflix. I’ve rarely owned a TV, and although I’ve sometimes “inherited” old ones, I usually get rid of them, because I find it such a huge time and energy drain. But my wife...